For three days (5-7 July) the medieval heart of Milan hosted the “Villaggio contadino” (Village Farmer) of Coldiretti. Thousands of farmers from all Italy’s regions have transformed an area of 200 thousand square meters into a huge farm, an expression of productive excellences in the country. Among the exhibitors there were also Ocrim and Bonifiche Ferraresi with “Le Stagioni d’Italia” brand.
Milan: Three Days of Farmers Life
It creates a certain impression to see a city like Milan, the economic and financial capital of our country, that have been in farmers shoes and live the experience of the rural world with enthusiasm. It happened last weekend (5-7 July) during the event of the Village Coldiretti event, the largest Italian agricultural organization Coldiretti. So, for three days the medieval heart of the city hosted thousands of farmers from all the Italy’s regions. 200 thousand square meters of products, aromas, tastes and specialties that represent the great Italian agri-food culture, a tradition that has its roots in time. And it’s in these unique occasions like “Il Villaggio Contadino” that you realize how rich and varied is the great Italian agri-food culture. A true feast of senses. Farmers chefs have proposed, for only 5 euros, menus that have preserved the ancient tastes: from Senatore Cappelli wheat pasta “alla gricia” style (a traditional recipe of Lazio region) or with cherry tomatoes, riviera olives, capers and mozzarella, to the risotto with “bagoss” cheese and old melon viadanase (a type of melon cultivated in the province of Mantova city) or risotto isolana style with grana padano dop; from grilled meat to fried fryers and rye sandwich, as well as the finest Italian cured meats and cheeses with a designation of origin (Dop), up to desserts such as ice cream with rose petals, pomegranate granita, Sicilian cannolo or bergamot juice. Difficult to resist such temptations.
The great beauty of the thousand Italian lands has conquered the citizens who have crowded, with over 700 thousand presences, stands and educational laboratories dedicated to pet therapy, extra virgin olive oil, and agri-cosmetics, to the agri-nursery where the children have learned to knead the bread, to the Noah’s Ark to discover plants and animals saved from extinction. Many original and engaging initiatives, among the most popular are the therapeutic sensory garden, the vegetable gardens with tutors and the “Village of ideas” with the innovative proposals of young Italian farmers. The event was attended by representatives of institutions and civil society for a discussion on issues related to food such as tourism, the environment, school and health.
Could Not Miss Ocrim And Le Stagioni d’Italia Brand
In the “Grain supply chain” booth there was also Ocrim. The explanations of our colleagues on the complexity of the milling art have interested the public that has discovered how the union between innovation and tradition manages to maintain all the nutritional values in the cereals processing, to produce high quality flours.
Also, the “Le Stagioni d’Italia” booth, the 100% Italian brand of Bonifiche Ferraresi, was crowed. It showed the entire line of products that, for about a year, have also been distributed in Large Retail Organization). Tastings of pasta, rice, cereals and legumes expertly cooked by Coldiretti’s agri-chefs in the nearby show cooking stand have been proposed. The fragrant herbal teas, made with officinal herbs grown in the BF Sarde and Cortona estates, are much appreciated.