Technological innovation is an increasingly important competitive key and the large number of participants to the webinar held on August 25, 26 and 27 fully testify to this. Marco Galli, Ocrim Chief Technologist, illustrated with great understandability the characteristics and advantages of the Modular Mill Concept, arousing a lot of interest among the operators in the sector.

How Operation Costs Are Reduced

In a nutshell, in the webinar of August 25-26 and 27 Marco Galli explained how to obtain significant savings in operation costs, while maintaining high production performance. The solution is called MODULAR MILL CONCEPT, an innovative idea that Ocrim has developed and already widely tested for high-capacity plants, eliminating the disadvantages deriving from the management of a large single line. As you can imagine, the subject dealt with aroused great interest among the numerous participants in the webinar. Brilliantly accompanied by Anna Buffa, well-known Italian Food Entertainer, the appointment was particularly appreciated for the clearness with which Marco Galli, Ocrim Chief Technologist, illustrated this new technology. Based on a completely different design approach to the standards adopted up to now, our expert provided data and details that highlighted how the MMC solution can offer high production competitiveness and a decidedly interesting economic balance. The topic stimulated numerous questions from participants. To meet the scheduled times of the webinar, Marco Galli answered only a few questions live, but is available to answer by e-mail to anyone who wants further information ( ).

Marco Galli Answers

The main requests for clarification and curiosity concerned the origin of the idea. The idea arose from the need to find a solution to the excessive downtime for maintenance on 1,000-1500 ton/day lines that Ocrim had to study for a customer in Indonesia. Trying to satisfy customer requests has always been a fundamental point for Ocrim. The technology, studied and conceived, was then applied with excellent results on other plants in Asia, but also in other countries of the world. For some participants it was essential to understand what digitization skills (automation, IoT and data management) the operators of the mill should have. Marco Galli reassured them by explaining that the automation was designed to assist the operator in his daily actions, even remotely with a simple mobile device, and to allow him to make some decisions in accordance with the production plan without having to “disturb” the management. Instead, to those who asked if the technology is also applicable for durum wheat mills, our expert asked to be patient a little longer. Ocrim technology department is studying how to overcome some constraints related to other grains and we will soon be able to test and apply it. Finally, the crucial question: what the investment difference between a standard mill and a mill that is using MMC? All conditions being equal, in principle it is equal to a few percentage points which may vary depending on the type and complexity of the plant.