The charitable project initiated by Molino Harinero Sula has been launched for the entrepreneurs of Honduras affected by the tropical storms of last November 2020. Ocrim supports the campaign: economic aid, foodstuff and materials were delivered to rebuild shops. A word from the recipients: “This campaign was a dream come true. We are starting to rebuild our future”.
It’s November 2020. In a world that is already turned upside down by the Covid 19 pandemic, central America isn’t catching a break: hurricane Iota devastates countries that were brought to their knees just days before by tropical storm Eta. These are dramatic times for the Caribbean coast, especially Honduras, flooded by the hurricane and the tropical storm. The areas that were not directly struck by the storm were nevertheless told to evacuate urgently due to the risk of flooding. Yet again the country experienced drama: 2 million 900 thousand people were affected, with victims and economic and social destruction. Many families lost their homes or businesses. Val di Sula is the area most affected by the devastation, and the very zone where the Molino Harinero Sula production plant is situated.
In the months thereafter, the historical milling company conducted various activities in support of the local community to aid economic recovery, including the launch of the “Juntos Comenzaremos de Nuevo” (“Restarting, together”) project. The charitable initiative has the purpose of providing support and assistance “and a helping hand” to local business owners affected by the storms to help them get back on their feet and restore their hope for the future. Starting over from zero. Again. Together.
“Committed to the well-being of the community, we delivered more than 40000 pounds of flour, pasta and coffee. […] in addition to tables, chairs and other tools for the businesses” declares Kaleb Delcid, coordinator of Responsabilidad Social, in a documentary video.
During the fund raising campaign, Maria Reny Ferrera, Marketing Manager at Molino Harinero Sula, also invited Ocrim to partake in the initiative: “it is crucial to us” she states, “with your support it will become reality”. Today, a few months later, the project has been launched and Ocrim is happy to have contributed to the realisation of a project of such value.
“This campaign turned a dream into reality. We are starting to build our future and what we want to become” confirms a grateful and optimistic business owner of La Lima in the video. The words of Maria Reny Ferrera convey great joy and sentiment: “We are happy to inform you that the donations made to the business owners affected by hurricanes Eta and Iota have already been delivered. The aid was received with joy by the recipients who expressed their gratitude…even with tears; it was overwhelming and touching to hear about their experience. We are very glad to have taken part in this project, because as the saying goes “the hand of the giver is never empty”.
Click on the link below to view the full documentary:
Molino Harinero Sula – Juntos Comenzaremos de Nuevo – MHS | Facebook