In a few days the shareholders’ meeting of Bonifiche Ferraresi, convened for 11 July, will decide on the capital increase. The Board has already given a favorable opinion of up to 150 million. Objective: development of the 2018-2020 business plan through additions, upstream and downstream of the supply chain, to achieve an exclusive position on the European scene.
New Growth Goals
The 2018-2019 business plan, approved by the Bonifiche Ferraresi Board, provides for a precise and relevant esteem of the entire supply chain. In addition to the current control of all stages of production- from the selection of seeds to the sale of finished products, even with its own brand-, the main objective of the company is aimed at new acquisitions to implement the supply chain. “This plan represents the continuous evolution of the projects and objectives pursued by the largest Italian agricultural company. It allows Bonifiche Ferraresi to take on, with additions both upstream and downstream, the role of supply chain leader, as well as to represent a unique entity in the European landscape, having in the “land factor” the essential element to generate value in the medium to long term in a stable and secure way “, commented the CEO of Bonifiche Ferraresi, Mr. Federico Vecchioni. To give concrete results to these objectives, the Board has proposed a capital increase of up to € 150 million which will be submitted to the approval of the shareholders’ meeting that will be on 11 July. In recent times Bonifiche Ferraresi has attracted the attention of various agri-food companies and financial institutions that, in case of not underwritten, could widen the shareholders’ base, currently constituted by: Cariplo Foundation, Gavio family, Carlo De Benedetti, Sergio Dompè and other important companies such as Inalca (Cremonini Group), OCRIM, Farchioni Olii, Bios Line, SIS and CDP Equity (Cassa depositi e prestiti Group). In any case, the cash inflow will allow the company to run a development project that will place Bonifiche Ferraresi in a prominent position beyond national borders.
Bonifiche Ferraresi Nowadays
The company’s activities are distributed in a large area of the Italian territory and are developed through various agri-food sectors including: the cereals cultivation on 4,500 hectares of agricultural land in Emilia Romagna (Jolanda di Savoia city), the zootechnics with 8,300 heads, the production chain and the sale of rice, the production of vegetables, medicinal herbs and olive trees on 1,500 hectares cultivated in Tuscany (Cortona city), the production of vegetables and a line of teas on 1,000 hectares in Sardinia (Arborea city). The latter is the largest organic farm in Italy. These are activities carried out in the name of sustainability and respect for the environment. In this regard it is recent the agreement signed by Bonifiche Ferraresi with Coldiretti, the A2A Group, Snam and GSE companies for the recovery of agricultural waste and the production of green methane gas intended for transport.