At the new Business and Production Center of Bonifiche Ferraresi, located in Valdichiana valley, the first store dedicated exclusively to the “Le Stagioni d’Italia “products was inaugurated. The concept and style of this flagship store fully interpret the characteristics of quality and authenticity of an Italian Made production made according to the strict specification of Legambiente association.
Bonifiche Ferraresi opens the first Flagship store of the “Le Stagioni d’Italia” brand at the “I Granai” Center of Cortona, located in Valdichiana valley. From 14th December, consumers have the opportunity to purchase directly the entire range of products that, since last April, are distributed exclusively in the major stores of the Italian large-scale food retail market. The concept of this first store represents fully the “Le Stagioni d’Italia” philosophy based on the recovery of the flavours of the past, the authenticity of a production that uses only 100% Italian raw materials characterized by a short supply chain and traceability. The store, thanks to its design and furnishings, evokes the warm atmosphere of a home that always has a well-stocked pantry. At the store you can find over 20 varieties of pasta, different types of rice – from the classics to the PGI of the Po Delta – flour, cereals and herbal teas; the legumes are branded “Zorzi”, a company specializes in the packaging and marketing of seeds, cereals and legumes. Zorzi is the branch of the company Suba Alimentare S.r.l, acquired by BF Spa in November 2017. The new store, in addition to packaged products, also offers fresh vegetables and fruit that come from the 7,000 hectares of the Bonifiche Ferraresi estate, according to the natural rhythm of the seasons. With this opening, the headquarters of Bonifiche Ferraresi in Valdichiana valley brings to completion another phase of the process of territorial valorisation, started with the renovated of the first Leopoldina (typical farmhouse of the territory) owned by BF.