In July the wheat is the great protagonist of the peasant work and, after the harvest and the threshing, the earth takes a period of deserved rest. We also take the opportunity to take a break, recharging mind and body. In Italy there is the habit, for most of the workers, of enjoying their holidays in August, a distant legacy of the Roman era in which time was marked by the work of the land and its needs. In this month we celebrate the “Ferragosto” (August 15th). The “Feriae Augusti” is a public holiday that dates back to the Roman Empire when the emperor Octavian Augustus established that the peasants should devote themselves to rest throughout August month, both because it came at the end of the laborious harvest and before the new sowing, and because August was a month full of festivities that celebrated the crops. With this new awareness, all we can do is to wish you happy holidays. We will get back full of energy from August 26th!