Marco Galli, Ocrim Chief Technologist, shares the principles of flow sheet design, whose proper configuration is essential to maximize the production quality. The first of three sessions was successfully held on September 29th and 30th.
Basic Info
First of all, in order to set up a flowsheet correctly, it is important to find as much information as possible concerning technical subject, market demands and types of wheat. This is the premise with whom Marco Galli, Ocrim Chief Technologist, introduced the theme of the Ocrimwebinar held on September 29th and 30th. Although the performance lasted 60 minutes and concerned a very technical content, Marco Galli succeeded in expressing the concept clearly. He explained how the development of the flow sheet is crucial to obtain a product based on market demands. These last ones aren’t related only to the types of flour, but mainly to an economical aspect: in fact, to maximize flour extraction allows to increase the profits and, therefore, to acquire greater competitiveness.
Mr. Galli continued in explaining the concepts of grain size distribution and range distribution by comparing the new “HIGH EFFICIENCY FLOW” (HEF) developed by Ocrim, with the traditional flow sheet, the “STANDARD FLOW” (SF). This way he showed the benefits of Ocrim solution in terms of quality, ash content and he quantified these differences numerically. The comparison allowed Mr. Galli to highlight some important evaluations, such as the importance to correctly set up the flow sheet for flour with very fine granulation in order to avoid an easily contamination during the grinding process. This is due to the specific type of flour that requires a thrust grinding, with high pressures: this way, during the crushing process, it is easy to include also contaminating fractions (crushing fragments) which may have been present since the processed product. This issue might show up despite the use of purifiers that suffer for a reduced scope and are basically functional only for some types of product. As a consequence, in order to maximize the production, it is essential to set the flow sheet on grain size distribution according to granulation distribution and quality while cleaning products also with roller mills. In conclusion, focusing on these aspects to maximize a constant quality production over time.
Don’t miss out our next appointments in which we’ll deepen together some essential aspects on how to properly design a flow sheet. Registrations are already opened for both the following dates:
28/10 10 am in English language
29/10 4 pm in English language
Audience Appeal
Although the theme was mainly addressed to a specific target (mainly millers and production managers) and despite the technical vocabulary, this first session has received great interest and participation. Honestly, it’s gone beyond our expectations and this fills all our team with great pride, especially considering the results of surveys with an average approval score by 9. Marco Galli has been appreciated worldwide for his performance skills and his know-how. Also comments from the audience can confirm this score: they mainly concerned the shortness of the webinar, but don’t worry, as previously mentioned, two more sessions are coming out.