From boat mills on the river Po and ancient water wheels to modern roller mills. The city of Cremona played a major role in the art of milling, which has a longstanding tradition and, since the Middle Ages, has greatly influenced the culture and economy of this area of outstanding excellence. A never-ending story of farming know-how, brilliant ideas, and technological innovations that continues today, evolving into the modern Milling Hub.
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Technological innovation is an increasingly important competitive key and the large number of participants to the webinar held on August 25, 26 and 27 fully testify to this. Marco Galli, Ocrim Chief Technologist, illustrated with great understandability the characteristics and advantages of the Modular Mill Concept, arousing a lot of interest among the operators in the sector.
Read moreOcrim strongly believes in sharing knowledge. Not yet being able to create collective training events due to Covid-19, we have scheduled free technical webinars. Webinars will be conducted by our best experts. They are about to begin! The agenda of the first webinar is available here together with the instructions to proceed with the registration.
Read moreDear all,
given the contingency situation following the measures taken by our Government and the provisions of the WHO, in order to contain the spread of COVID-19, we have decided, in light of ethics and public spirit, to implement some important measures for the safety of all our collaborators, customers, suppliers and stakeholders. Although we are operating with reduced ranks and implementing all the necessary precautions, we will continue to guarantee our essential operations, remaining available to our customers in all continents.
“You are not alone, Europe is suffering with Italy. At this moment we are all Italians”. (Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission)
Ipack-ima 5. At the end of the exhibition, it’s time to take a stock, trying to go beyond the material satisfaction of the business. There is much more at stake, it’s the awareness that the message of the OCRIM and PAGLIERANI booth, so rich in languages and cultural references, has been received and appreciated in its deepest meaning: to create an industrial supply chain project, totally Italian Made to bring the tradition and quality of unique products to the world. The dream comes true.
Ipack.ima 4. The strategic vision of the founders of OCRIM and PAGLIERANI sowed the seeds of excellence that have been shared and skilfully cultivated by the following generations. A goal that evidences consolidated growth in global markets through outstanding figures: 163 years of life, 700 employees, 160 million Euro of turnover. Live streaming from 3pm:
Ipack-ima 3. There is a lot of buzz around the innovations presented by OCRIM and PAGLIERANI. Customers queuing up to try the “immersive reality” experience, visitors crowding around the RMI-S roller mill and the new packaging machine – questions, comments and technical explanations are fired away at high speed. Once more, Italian Made innovation and technology successfully deliver the results of long research and development 4.0 work. Live streaming from 3pm: