The best 4.0 companies selected among the 400 thousand that operate in the Lombardy region are 400. Ocrim is included in the top 400 and has been received the 2019 Lombardy region champions’ award. The survey, carried out by the Study Centre of ItalyPost, in collaboration with the economic newspaper L’Economia del Corriere della Sera, was presented on May 13 during the meeting at Kilometro Rosso, one of the largest European innovation districts.
Lombardy Region Wins The Challenge 4.0
The event “The Economy of Italy. Restart. From businesses.”, was organized by the economic newspaper Corriere della Sera, for the L’Economia dossier, in collaboration with the Study Centre of ItalyPost. 400 thousand Lombard companies with a turnover of between 20 and 120 million euros were under examination. The cluster of the 400 excellent companies selected is the result of the analysis of a series of parameters taken from the financial reports of the last six years. The study highlighted only the companies that, at 31 December 2017, had the best performance in terms of growth, profitability and to which the rating agencies attribute a minimum rating of “excellent”. The optimal characteristics from a management, strategic and governance point of view have also affected the ranking.
In addition to the 400 Champions, 100 Super Champions were also selected among those with revenues of between 120 and 500 million euros. The ranking of the Champions of Lombardy region was presented last May 13 at the Kilometro Rosso, one of the leading private hubs for innovation in Europe located in Bergamo city. The survey highlighted that the aggregate of these companies produces a total turnover of almost 31 billion euros and a gross profitability of around 16%, not burdened by any debt towards the banking system. They are very small companies compared to the European average, a sort of “pocket-sized multinational corporations”, as defined by Raffaella Polato, special correspondent of L’economia – Corriere della Sera, but which employ over 160 thousand people.
Lombardy region is the driving force of Italy with the highest GDP in absolute value: according to Assolombarda (the largest territorial association of the entire entrepreneurial system in Italy) data, 2018 was another year of expansion, albeit contained. Estimates indicate regional GDP growth of 1.4% in 2018 (from + 2.7% in 2017 and from + 1.6% in 2016), therefore well superior to + 0.9% recorded by the country. Reading the performances of the excellent companies identified by this research, a further and significant net detachment emerges both with respect to Lombardy and to the national figure. There is no doubt, they are real champions in the art of doing business!
As far as we are concerned, when an award is unexpected it turns out to be even more welcome and know that experts in economics and finance have rated Ocrim among the most virtuous companies fills us with pride. Being named “Campioni della Lombardia” (Champions of Lombardy) means that everyone’s work is rewarded and encourages us to always do better. We therefore dedicate this important recognition to the commitment of all Ocrim men and women.