We are convinced that when experiencing an emergency that involves the whole community, it’s necessary to express as best one’s social sense. We want to express the love for our country making a concrete contribution for facing the Covid-19. The Maggiore Hospital of Cremona needs to increase the number of health aids and equipment to save the life of our fellow citizens. Ocrim has decided to do its part donating 100,000 euros to the Arco Onlus Association, charged with raising the necessary funds.
Right now, Italy, OUR Country, is struck hard by the Coronavirus emergency. Common effort is and will be necessary if we are to overcome this situation quickly. Effort by the institutions, the undertakings and the citizens: that is to say, all Italians throughout Italy. Our victory against the terrible Covid-19 can only be guaranteed if we all contribute towards it. OCRIM, as one, must and wishes to contribute, by sticking to what is essential, in favour of a future for the Country which is more peaceful and responsible than what was, until yesterday, considered the success of the new millennium. Today, our thoughts go out to those who are currently suffering and to those who, heroically, provide them with assistance, united in their love for their profession and their feelings of patriotism, the sense of belonging to a territory and a Country as marvellous and unique as Italy.
OCRIM, as one, proudly aiming to do its part, can only, at this stage, reduce its advertising budget for 2020 by the amount of EUR 100,000.00 and donate this amount immediately to Arco Onlus for the purchase of machines, equipment and medicine for the Maggiore Hospital of Cremona to counter the Coronavirus emergency. Matteo Tedoldi and Marina Zanotti, chairman of Arco ONLUS and manager of the collection of funds, respectively, have proudly accepted the donation of OCRIM, pointing out that, in these times of emergency, undertakings and regions must play as a team to respond quickly and efficiently to the important requests for ever more tools that are needed to save the life of our fellow citizens. “With this donation – they said – OCRIM puts itself at the forefront of the battle, showing that it understands the gravity of the situation and demonstrating a strong sense of social responsibility, altruism and sensitivity with regard to our community”.
There will be many more obstacles to manage and overcome, but, starting tomorrow, our humble work must remain fundamental for the Country; we don’t want to give it up so that we don’t forget past generations and we leave a tangible sign for the generations of the future. We will become OCRIM Spa once more the moment this nightmare has ended.
For now, we would like to sign off with: